Unsure what gift to give a little one? You can never go wrong with books! Many parents of little ones complain about all the toys and “crap” around the house. But you can’t have too many books! Broken out by age group, here are just some of all the incredible books for little ones out there…
Babies & Toddlers
Ten Little Ladybugs ~ A fun rhyming book that also helps babies with counting. The ladybugs are 3D so little ones love touching them as they learn to count.
Little Blue Truck ~ One of the books I can recite by heart because it’s a popular one in my house.
I’d Know You Anywhere My Love ~ I love all of Nancy Tillman’s books, but this one is extra special. It celebrates the uniqueness of all children, and the unconditional love that their parents have for them. Have a box of tissue nearby. (Another favorite by this author is, On the Night You Were Born).
Touch Think Learn: ABC ~ I love books with texture for the little babies!
Llama Llama Wakey-Wake ~ I love all the Llama Llama books!
Dear Zoo ~ Little ones always love the flap books. And with this one they also learn about different animals. This is a good book for a baby or young toddler.
I Love You Through and Through ~ I still tear up when I read this one aloud to one of my kids.
Blue Hat, Green Hat ~ My kids always giggle when reading this book. All of Sandra Boynton’s books are loved by them! This is a good book for a baby or toddler.
Toddlers & Preschoolers
In My Heart: A Book of Feelings ~ A beautifully illustrated to book to help your toddler or preschooler learn about feelings. Click the book images below to see this book, and others by this fantastic author.
Giraffes Can’t Dance ~ A fun book with a really good lesson.
Diggers Go ~ This author also has: Trains Go, Planes Go, Cars Go, Boats Go, Trucks Go, and more.
Preschoolers to Early Grade-schoolers
Little People, Big Dreams: Maya Angelou ~ There is a whole collection of “Little People, Big Dreams” books. Emmeline Pankhurst, Rosa Parks, Amelia Earhart, Coco Chanel, Audrey Hepburn, Frida Kahlo, Marie Curie, Agatha Christie
This Is How We Do It ∙∙∙ This is an awesome book that takes you through a typical day of seven different kids living all around the world. My preschooler and kindergartner really enjoy it!
City Atlas: Travel the World with 30 City Maps ~ We love to teach our kids about the world, so this is a wonderful starting book for that.
Rosie Revere Engineer ~ An inspirational book for young children.
Here are more books that every child and parent are sure to love.
Click on the book image to learn more about it.