Even if you aren’t having a baby shower or sprinkle with your second baby, I still recommend creating a baby registry. You can use it as a place to manage all the things you want for your baby. Many places will also send you a welcome box with free samples and gifts for your baby. You’ll also get a completion discount from most baby registries. The Amazon Baby Registry offers a 10% completion discount and if you join Amazon Family, that discount increases to 15%!
You’ve got all the big and essential items from your first baby, so do you need anything new? Check for any product recalls for the items you already have. Recalls happen often and pose a risk for your baby. For most items, if they are still in good shape you can clean and reuse for your next child. As a mom of multiple kids, there are several things that I think are helpful to get when you are expecting a second (or third, or fourth…) baby.
New for Baby #2
Diapers & Wipes ∙∙∙ You will need plenty of these for each baby! You can find a list of the best disposable diapers here. Tip: Join Amazon Family and get 20% off diapers when ordered through Subscribe & Save.
Diaper Cream, Baby Shampoo, and Other Toiletries ∙∙∙ You’ll continue to need more of these essentials!
Changing Pad Liners ∙∙∙ Many of the ones you used before are likely stained or in the trash!
Pacifiers ∙∙∙ If your babies use pacifiers, get new ones for each child. Over time, the material breaks down. I saw this firsthand when one of our old infant pacifiers ripped and a piece fell off. This poses a choking hazard for your baby!
Bottles and/or Nipples ∙∙∙ It’s recommended that plastic bottles are not reused for multiple children. However, if there is no damage to the bottle, many people reuse the bottle and just get new nipples. If you use glass or silicone, you can definitely use those again, just get new nipples because of the previously mentioned choking hazard.

A Sound Machine ∙∙∙ If your older child still prefers white noise to sleep, you will want to buy a second sound machine. This is my current favorite one. This portable speaker can be charged to go all night on a battery.

If You Didn’t Get One With Baby #1
Baby Carrier ∙∙∙ If you didn’t have one with your first, you’ll definitely need it now. With more than one kid, you will be multi-tasking more than ever before. A baby carrier is awesome because it allows you to hold your baby while having both arms free. You could get an infant carrier for the early days, or a soft-structured carrier to use with your baby or toddler. For more on baby carriers, click here.
Safe Place to Rest Baby ∙∙∙ You won’t be able to hold your baby nearly as much this time around. If you didn’t get some of these the first time around, now is the time to make sure you have a safe place to contain (& entertain) the baby while you interact with your older child (or shower, cook, use the bathroom, take a break, etc.)

Bibs ∙∙∙ I needed new bibs after my first baby because the ones I had were low-quality and had stains. These are my new favorite! They are easy to clean and have a silicone pocket to catch dropped food.
Baby / Toddler Products for Baby #1
Eating Utensils and Tableware ∙∙∙ Your first child is likely old enough for solids now. Add some items for baby #1 to this registry! And, before you know it, baby #2 will be sitting in a high chair eating solids. Click here to see more fun toddler tableware.

Infant Toothbrush ∙∙∙ You won’t be reusing this!
Travel Gear ∙∙∙ If you travel often, you’ll need a second set of some travel gear (depending on the age of your older child/children).
For Mom
Postpartum Care Items ∙∙∙ If your registry is for your personal use, or just a few close friends, you may want to add some postpartum care items to help you take care of YOU post-baby.

Depending on the Age Gap
Infant Car Seat ∙∙∙ If your car seat has not been involved in an accident and it has not reached the expiration date, go ahead and reuse this one! Move your older child on up to a convertible car seat if they aren’t in one already. However, if enough time has passed and the car seat has expired, you’ll need to purchase another.
A Larger Diaper Bag ∙∙∙ If you are still using a diaper bag for your first child, you may need more room with the additional need for diapers and bottles. New stylish diaper bags are always being released, so chances are there is a new one out that you like better than the one you got with your first baby.
Double Stroller ∙∙∙ So many fantastic double strollers are out there, so the best one for you depends on your layout preference (side-by-side, tandem, modular, etc.), how you will use it (walking the sidewalks, jogging, walking the mall, etc.), and your budget. I hope to write a post comparing double strollers soon.
A Second Video Monitor ∙∙∙ For baby #3, I got this because we can reuse it as a home security camera when our kids outgrow the need for a camera in their rooms. I love that you can control it with Alexa, or view the crib from your Google Home. If you prefer a traditional video monitor, check out this one that allows for two cameras and split-screen viewing.
Fun New Things to Get
Muslin Blankets ∙∙∙ I love all the adorable patterns! It’s fun to get some new prints for the baby, so not everything is a hand-me-down!
Swaddles and Sleepsacks ∙∙∙ New versions are released all the time to make your life easier! What worked with baby #1 may not with baby #2.
Clothes ∙∙∙
Books ∙∙∙ Whether you need to replace some chewed up classics, or read newly published books to your baby, new books are nice to have!
Toys & Teethers ∙∙∙ It’s shocking how well a little person can destroy anything they get their hands (or mouth) on!

Nursing Related Items
A New Pump ∙∙∙ You may or may not actually *need* a new pump, but if your insurance provides one, take advantage! There are many reasons a second pump would be beneficial. I loved keeping one pump at home and one at the office. Your insurance may cover a battery-operated pump (examples: Freestyle, Willow, Freemie), which is really helpful when you have multiple kids. Your old pump may have lost some suction and a new one may do a better job. So many reasons to get a new one!
Silicone Milk Catcher (& Manual Pump) ∙∙∙ This thing is fantastic! You can use it as a manual pump, but I just suction it on one breast while feeding on the other and allow it to collect milk on its own. The basic one is great, but with an older child running around, I recommend getting the one with a stand and lid. I learned the hard way that I should have bought the one with a lid when my toddler ran by me knocking over a precious ounce of liquid gold before I got it into the fridge.

Nursing Cover ∙∙∙ Most breastfeeding moms already have one of these. This one doubles as a car seat cover. With two kids you will be nursing on-the-go a lot more, so this is a must-have for me!
Breast Pads ∙∙∙ These will help relieve engorgement and plugged ducts. These are soothing to sore nipples. These are a more expensive way to relieve sore nipples, but they have the added benefit of being 100% natural, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial.
Breastmilk Storage Bags ∙∙∙ A necessity if you want to have any breastmilk stored! These are my favorite for storing in the freezer.

MAYBE Consider
Crib Mattress ∙∙∙ Many experts recommend you get a new crib mattress for each baby. The reasons to consider getting a new mattress include: fluids and bacteria inside the mattress, loss of firmness over time, and off-gassing from synthetic materials. We used the same crib mattress (organic, waterproof and still firm) for all three babies.
• If you did not have a waterproof crib mattress or waterproof mattress cover, you should consider a new mattress. Think of the bodily fluids from baby #1 that are likely inside the mattress… ewww!
• Check your mattress shape closely. Any sagging or indentations from previous use can be unsafe for a newborn.
• I briefly discuss why I think it is important to get an organic crib mattress in this post. Do your research on this one. There is enough evidence of cancer-causing chemicals that I decided it is worth the cost to get a non-toxic organic crib mattress. Some studies show that the off-gassing from toxic chemicals in non-organic mattresses increase the rate of SIDS deaths. Since off-gassing may increase over time, if you don’t have an organic mattress it may be worth considering purchasing one. If that is out of your budget (they are expensive!), you could also consider getting an organic mattress cover to block some of the off-gassings.
Non-Registry Dream Wish List for Baby #1, #2, #3, #4, and so on…
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