When I get lost in the rabbit hole of Pinterest, I find myself obsessing over dreamy playroom pictures! I will share some of my favorite items to make the percent playroom. Maybe you can subtly send this list to grandparents looking for generous gifts for your kids! Play Kitchen • Tree Bookcase • Table & […]
Black Bean Brownies
No Flour • No Refined Sugar (only naturally occurring sugar) • Vegan Optional As a sugar-addict, I’m always looking for desserts to trick my taste buds into thinking they are enjoying a decadent dessert when in reality, I’m eating something nutritious and low in sugar! I also do this for my kids. I am not […]
Baby-Led Weaning is a Lazy Parent’s Dream
I have to admit, it was laziness that initially motivated me to explore Baby-Led Weaning (aka: Baby-Led Eating). But this lazy-parent method of introducing solids is also thought to be more beneficial to the child. Everyone wins! What is Baby-Led Weaning? The term Baby-Led Weaning (BLW) was coined in the UK where “weaning” refers to […]
Everything I Said I’d Never Do as a Parent…
There is a saying, “I was the perfect parent until I had kids.” Boy, that is true! When pregnant with our first, my husband and I would often go through the things we observed other parents doing that we would NEVER do. Many of these still stuck when we only had one kid, but kid […]
Play Kitchen Renovation
This adorable corner kitchen was selling in a local swap & sell group for $15. It wasn’t in the best shape, so I cleaned it up a bit and then started painting. I spray painted all the hardware gold, using Krylon Metallic Gold Spray Paint. Then I painted the upper wood backboards navy blue […]
Playset Renovation
From Drab to Fab! Check out the before and after pics of our playset renovation: We saw this playset at Costco and it met our wish list criteria: we wanted a playhouse, a slide and some swings. The price was also right. At $999 (for Costco members), it was significantly cheaper than any other […]
Instagram Links from @BumpAndBabyBabbles
Here are links to the things I’ve posted about on Instagram… either on my feed or in my stories. Instagram Feed Instagram Stories
8 Things I Learned After a Second Baby
1. Basic math does not apply. Two kids are more than twice as difficult as one… 1+1 >2. Forgive me for this, but I’m going to quote Kim Kardashian. I can’t say I often relate to Kim, but I related to one thing she said after she had her second child: “My mom would always say, about […]
Summertime Gift Ideas
It’s FINALLY (almost) summer! Spring and summer are my favorite time of year. Both my kids have summer birthdays so I’ve started brainstorming gift ideas for them. Here are some favorites. Ring Toss | Baby Swan Float | Outdoor Table Set Bubble Wands | Snacks & Sweets Food Cart | Balance Bike Lawn Bowling Set | Rainbow Inflatable Sprinkler […]
Postpartum Depression: A Hidden Cost of Colic
Women with colicky babies are more than twice as likely to have postpartum depression – at least that’s what a doctor told me. While some women may survive months of arduous colic with their spirits intact, excessive crying can certainly trigger depression. According to Science Daily, having a colicky baby is linked to an increase in […]
Stupid Shit People Said When My Baby Had Colic
Colic is a form of psychological torture. The first five+ months of my son’s life really were the worst of mine. My little baby who was a part of me in every way was miserable and there was not a thing I could do about it. Every day was filled with hours and hours of blood-curdling screaming no matter […]
Healthy Chocolate Banana Milkshake
Ice cream is one of my most favorite things in the entire world. I devour an entire pint in one sitting more often than I care to admit. It breaks my heart that sugar isn’t good for me. I’m always looking for healthy (or healthier) alternatives so I can indulge and not feel so bad about […]