As a breastfeeding mom, you’ll spend quite a bit of time parked in one spot breastfeeding your baby. This is where a breastfeeding basket will come in handy! A breastfeeding basket (or bin, tote, box) contains the breastfeeding essentials for when you are sitting on the couch breastfeeding your baby and unable to reach far. […]
Breastfeeding: Lessons Learned
We hear a lot about how wonderful breastfeeding is, the health benefits, and the bonding. We imagine (well, at least I imagined), this easy and smooth experience. I pictured my baby naturally latching onto my breast and continuing to do so for about a year. But most people face some struggles in the early days: […]
Lactation Cookies
Lactation cookies are a delicious way for a breastfeeding mom to boost her milk production. As any new breastfeeding mom can attest to, you are pretty much starving all of the time. It’s great to have an easy-to-eat snack, that helps your breastmilk supply, and has the label “lactation cookies” so your family knows they […]